The Design of Private Knowledge

The Design of Private Knowledge (p.178 - 195 ) in Design and Truth by Robert Grudin


In this chapters, Grudin talks about something he calls mental design, the ability to wrap a story or experience into a narrative for the purpose of understanding the world and healing from a traumatic event. He also posits that subjectivity (bias) is a form of unconscious design. Narratives help us confront bias, assumptions, and preconceptions. Think of a time when you had to confront a bias of your own. Describe the event. Who was involved and what did you learn?

Writing guidelines

  1. Length: (150-300 words)
  2. Reference the chapter content whenever possible
  3. Cite sources where applicable.
  4. Check for spelling and grammar.
  5. Avoid generalizing language. Choose clear and concise wording.

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