Double Diamond Discover Phase graphic

Discover: Word-pairs


  1. Pen or pencil
  2. Journal


Please allow at least 60-75 minutes to complete this activity.

  1. In your journal, write three objects from your home. If you cannot think of any, choose three objects from a random object generator. Here is one.
  2. Free association writing. (10 mins)
    • On a journal page, write as many words about each object as you can.
    • When you are done, circle any three words.
  3. Choose one focus word from the list below. Write the adjectives circled from the previous step in front of your chosen focus word, creating three word-pairs (I.E. - if you choose education, you would combine your adjectives with only education):
    • education
    • economy
    • health
    • wellness
    • transportation
    • technology
    • government
    • freedom
    • justice
    • democracy
    • business
    • trade
    • environment
    • food
    • agriculture
    • ecosystem
    • energy
    • labor
  4. Now that you have created three word-pairs, write each one onto a separate journal page.
    • Imagine it is the year 2047 and an ideal or positive situation has occurred, inspired by the word-pair. Think of one-sentence descriptions to explain the scenario. It is okay to take inspiration for your ideas from current events, film, books, news, personal experiences, etc. Write as many responses per word-pairs as you can (at minimum, two per word-pair). Limit yourself to 30 minutes.

narrative word pairs

Post work to the Studio

  1. Upload photos or scans of your journal pages. Make sure that your documentation images are clear and readable.

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